Updated as questions come in.
Gas fees are high! Are you guys considering launching on an ETH L2?
There are active team discussions occurring around this topic as well as within the community. Our liquidity pool is locked until November 1st, 2023, so we cannot migrate until then. We will be strategizing and discussing with the community over the coming months to come up with the best plan going forward.
Are you hiring any new members?
Yes! We are actively seeking an experienced and dedicated CMO.
Do you guys plan on creating a new token contract?
Yes. We are in the process of creating a new token contract that will be more gas efficient. The new token contract cannot be deployed until our LP time lock has lapsed. The migration will be a 1 to 1, so there are no worries about dilution or alterations to the underlying ruleset applied to our token contract. (Hardcapped, timelocks, vested tokens, and so on)
Last updated